

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Just like in the show all couples were to make a short video clip of themselves and talk about what they've been through. If you click below you'll see our short introduction and our dance!

Funny huh!! What you did not see was the judging. No we didn't win. We came in second place though. Not bad for odd couples!! The couple that beat us were actually two administrators that were able to dance since we had so many cancellations.

It's Show Time!

It's just about that time and we were nervous as heck. Out of 15 couples, it was down to seven. A lottery was done to set the dance couples in their place. We were number five. I was part of the decorating committee and helped doing the raffle. I couldn't stop looking at the clock. We gave out different gift certificates from companies that were able to donate to our cause.

These ladies on the right are our judges. They all are middle school staff and were in charge in planning this event. Below are pictures of the couples in the event. They all took the time to rehearse on their own and made up their own dance.